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Law School's Lecture Series: "The Learning and Growth Path of Law Students and the Formation of Basic Legal Professional Qualities"
October 16, 2023 | View:

On October 13, 2023, the Law School held the "Law Firm Entering Jiangsu University" lecture series in the Sanjiang Building's mock courtroom. The lecture invited Qiao Hang, an excellent alumni of Jiangsu University and the director of Jiangsu Lumando (Kunshan) Law Firm, as the keynote speaker. The theme of the lecture was "The Path of Study and Growth for Law Students and the Formation of Basic Legal Professional Qualities". The lecture was presided over by the Dean of the Law School, Li Bingshuo, and attended by undergraduate and graduate students of the Class of 2023.

At the beginning of the lecture, Director Qiao Hang, using his own experience as an example, explained the necessary basic professional qualities to become a lawyer, compared his own learning experience with the current learning environment, and emphasized the importance of studying professional courses. Taking law firm interns as an example, he highlighted the current societal demand for highly professional talents, providing constructive suggestions of "specializing in a specific field" to the incoming Class of 2023.

Currently, the Law School has invited five lawyers, including Director Yun Chuang and Director Qiao Hang, to give lectures to the students and faculty. The Law School will continue to invite outstanding lawyers from various law firms to engage in dialogue and communication, promoting a clearer academic and career planning for the students.

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